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2285 Victory Blvd.
Staten Island, NY 10314

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Device Evaluation



Recent scientific research has shown that some individuals with autism develop speech more quickly with the use of an augmentative/alternative communication system. Additionally, many individuals with autism continue to experience difficulty in communicating via vocal speech throughout the course of their lifepan despite receiving the best available therapies. A communication device may be a viable alternative to vocal speech for these individuals.

An Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) evaluation at the Diagnostic and Outreach Center can help determine if a communication system is appropriate for individuals with autism.

Experienced Speech Language Pathologists will assess individuals on a variety of high technology (e.g., voice output devices, iPad devices) and low technology systems (e.g., picture exchange, sign) to determine the most appropriate system to meet the needs of the individual. Training in programming and implementation is also available to parents and caregivers.

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